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Find out how a PhD can help you prepare for the very latest technologies.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to define how we live and work, escalating the need for leaders who can capably navigate this new era. A PhD that explores this topic can be a smart investment for aspiring leaders who want to understand the potential impacts of AI. 

Artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies can be great ways to fuel innovation, differentiate a brand, and foster customer loyalty. In the PhD in leadership degree program from the California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) at Alliant International University, you can learn to harness the power of these new technologies

The CSML PhD program is tailored to cultivate leadership skills in business, education, government, and non-profits by melding rigorous academic training with immersive practical experience. This approach equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven business landscape.

A key feature of the CSML PhD program is the signature ConsultEX initiative. This allows you to gain invaluable hands-on experience in business technology, business development, professional development, DEI, and international business. ConsultEX EDU, a specialized track of the program, prepares you for academia, augmenting your professional versatility, while emphasizing real-world experience. 

Participation in ConsultEX, internships, research projects, and practical coursework enables you to apply academic learning in practical settings, cultivating key leadership skills, expanding your professional network, and paving the way for career advancement.

One of the standout features of the CSML PhD in Leadership program is its focus on technological innovation, with a particular emphasis on AI. The program offers insight into AI's transformative role in business and how leaders can use these technologies to spur innovation and growth—a critical advantage in today's fast-paced AI era.

As a program graduate, you’ll be equipped to implement AI-generated customer support strategically in a leadership role. You’ll be capable of determining the optimal balance of AI and human interaction to establish a customer service strategy that not only differentiates your brand but also promotes customer loyalty.

The program also shines a light on the many applications of AI beyond the business world. Leaders in education can use AI for personalized learning experiences, in government, AI can optimize public services, and non-profit organizations can use AI to boost fundraising efforts and outreach. The PhD program ensures students are well-versed in using AI in these diverse contexts.

Alongside its innovation and immersive learning focus, the CSML PhD in leadership program is also renowned for its exceptional faculty. The diverse team of experienced faculty members assures you receive a holistic education, priming you to excel in a range of leadership roles.

Enrolling in the PhD in leadership program at CSML is a wise investment in your future, especially in the age of AI. The program helps you develop the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to excel in the business landscape of today and tackle the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Regardless of your career aspirations—be it in business, education, government, or non-profit sectors—the CSML PhD in leadership program can guide you toward actualizing your goals and positively impacting the world.

About the Authors:

Dr. Kumar is dean and professor of information systems and technology at the California School of Management and Leadership(CSML) at Alliant International University. She is based on the main campus in San Diego, California. Dr. Kumar has a passion for innovative ways to improve engagement and retention of learning content. Her research interests include increasing trust and productivity in technology-mediated environments and nurturing start-up entrepreneurs in their early growth stages.

Dr. Cory B. Scott, the leader behind the CSML ConsultEX program, is a well-respected author, professor, and family man. A devoted educator with a passion for leadership and management studies, Dr. Scott boasts over 30 years of field experience. He brings a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise to his students at CSML, where he currently teaches and serves as the director of the Ph.D. in leadership program.

Further reading about two forthcoming courses in the Ph.D. in Leadership Program:

  1. AI and Data Analytics:  Providing an in-depth understanding of the role of AI and data analytics in business, this course covers different types of AI, machine learning algorithms, data interpretation, and how to use these technologies to drive innovation and growth.
  2. Ethical Leadership in the Age of AI: This course zeroes in on the ethical considerations of integrating AI in the workplace. Students will dive into privacy, bias, and transparency and learn to develop ethical frameworks for responsible and sustainable AI use. The course will also tackle AI's potential societal and workforce impacts, fostering a more profound understanding of students' roles as ethical leaders in the age of AI.

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