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At Alliant, we believe that education is the great equalizer, the most powerful path to success, and the most valuable asset in the modern era. With our rapidly changing world, our children need the new skills required to compete in this new, smaller globe. They need to learn the basics, of course, but they also need a strong command of science, technology, engineering, and more—and that's just the beginning. 

Alliant's California School of Education (CSOE) sees a societal imperative to ensure that every child has the opportunity to get a quality education. We have dedicated ourselves to training our nation’s teachers to become the men and women who will give our children these vital skills, who will give them a truly 21st Century education, and who will create the leaders and agents of change of the next generation.

So, now, the question is: "What does it take to become a teacher for today's modern world?"

Becoming a Teacher in California

Becoming a teacher might seem an overwhelming or confusing process, but as the saying goes, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”—you just have to know what steps to take; and here are those steps that will transform you into the educational agent of change you want to become.

 Step 1 - Give it a serious thought if teaching suits you

To become a teacher in California, it's important to first consider if the role aligns with your personal and professional goals. As one of the teacher candidates, it can be challenging and requires patience and dedication, so it's important to determine if it's the right fit for you. Ask yourself these questions to help you decide.

Do I find fulfillment in serving? Teaching requires constantly serving students, whether it's helping kindergartners or guiding high school seniors through college applications. Being a teacher requires a genuine love for children and a desire to aid in their development. If you feel fulfilled by serving others, a career in education may be right for you.

Do I love to learn more? Teaching requires being a student as well as an educator. Educators are always learning whether it be through continuing education courses, teaching conferences, or from their students. If you find it interesting to learn and expand your knowledge, teaching may be an ideal profession for you.

Am I comfortable with the salary?  It's important to be informed about the salary and other financial considerations of any career. Salaries may not be high so you have to ask yourself if you are fine with it.

Find your Path

Step 2 - Decide what you want to teach.

Before you start your teacher education program, you will need to choose which area of specialization most appeals to you. Do you want to teach elementary education at the grade school level, for instance? Or does teaching high school appeal to you more? Would you want to specialize in math, science, art, or computers? Would you be interested in helping children with special needs? As a prospective teacher, the educational and licensing requirements you will need to meet will vary depending on the grade level or specialization you choose.

At CSOE, we offer teacher education degrees and credentials for all of these specializations so that you can become the exact teacher you want to be. If you want to teach at the elementary level, we have the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. If you want to become a higher school teacher in California, we have the Single Subject Teaching Credential. If you want to be one of the California teachers who work with children special education, we offer the Special Education Teaching Credential. We do this because we believe that education is the great equalizer—and that every classroom at every level should have a qualified teacher at the helm—regardless of the zip code.

Step 3 - Gain teaching experience.

An important—and required—aspect of becoming a teacher will be a teaching practicum. During this part of a California teacher credential program, you will actually teach in a public school alongside licensed teachers as part of a student teaching or teacher intern experience. This is your chance to pick up invaluable information from working professionals whether it’s for multiple subject credential or single subject credential. and This is also where you get the real-world experience needed to step off of our graduation stage an already-impactful teacher.

Step 4 - Obtain a formal recommendation from your university

Get a formal recommendation for the credential after passing your teacher certification exams, and completing student teaching and degree requirements. This recommendation can come from your college, university, or teacher preparation program. Additionally, you may also be asked to submit a portfolio or ePortfolio that highlights your experience and qualifications as a teacher. This is an effective way of showing your compliance with the credential requirements for California teachers.

Become a Teacher

Step 5 - Apply for a job.

With obtained teacher certification requirements, you can now look into job vacancies and assess your ideal workplace. You should also connect with your network of colleagues in the education field. Many schools or universities programs provide resources such as career and credentialing advisors, as well as opportunities for fieldwork which can lead to full-time employment. 

Alliant also offers a unique path to California teacher credentialing through our intern teaching track. This allows students to serve as the teacher of record in their classrooms while earning their teacher certification, as opposed to the traditional method of student teaching centered on shadowing another teacher after completion of credential coursework. This prepares teachers more quickly by allowing them to practice their trade, ensuring the truest form of hands-on, professional practice.

Step 6 - Pass all required tests.

Another important part of the credentialing process is proving you have the proper skills to be a teacher by passing a number of exams. Required exams include:

  • California Basic Skills Requirement (CBEST): This test will verify that you are proficient in basic skills. The CBEST test contains three sections: reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET): The test will verify that you are competent in the subject matters you want to teach. For Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials, you will take the CSET Multiple Subjects exam, which is comprised of three sub-tests. For Single Subject Teaching Credentials, you will take the specific CSET for whichever subject matter you want to teach.
  • Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA): If you wish to become an elementary school teacher or special education teacher, you will need to pass this exam. The RICA test is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of prospective teachers to provide reading instruction to their students.

Get Started Today

If you are ready to start your journey to becoming a teacher, Alliant is here for you. Our California School of Education offers a myriad of California teaching credential and educational degree programs to help new educators start their teaching career. To learn more about our programs, or to talk to an Alliant representative to learn more on how to become a teacher, as well as guide you in your program decision, contact us today!

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