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To get the most out of a digital classroom, you have to take advantage of online learning’s benefits and prepare for any challenges. If you’re researching how to study for online classes, then welcome; you’re in the right place. 

While learning solely in the digital world may seem challenging, there are actually countless benefits of online education. Try these 4 tips for online learning success to give yourself the best possible education. 

#1 Create an Environment For Learning Success

The best learning environment isn’t just a desk and a computer. It’s a place that’s designed to help you focus. Invest a little time and energy into creating your ideal learning environment when gaining an online education. Make sure the area is private, offers minimal interruptions from roommates or family, and has a solid internet connection. 

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  • Build your ideal study setup – Be creative and strategic as you design your study space. Your study setup should include a computer, a desk or table, and a chair, but really think about what else you need to be at your best when taking an online course. Maybe that’s adding a pillow to your chair’s back so it’s more comfortable, or decorating your area with plants and pictures. Experiment and see what makes the area feel like your ideal study space. 
  • Designate break zones and learning zones – When you’re learning online, it’s important to focus and take breaks. But if you’re studying in the same area where you wind down at the end of the night, it might be difficult for you to switch between study-mode and restore-mode. Keep your study zone separate from your break zone for remote learning. You can more easily set your mind to the tasks at hand, whether that’s doing homework or taking a break.
  • Dress for success – It might be easy (and honestly, more time-efficient) to roll out of bed and attend class in your pajamas. But how you dress can influence your behavior and feelings throughout the day. Show up to your classes wearing clothes that make you feel polished, confident, and comfortable, even if it’s just an online class. 

#2 Stay Engaged

The key to academic success off or online is engagement. The more involved you are as an online learner, the more information your brain will absorb. Try these tips for learners to help you stay actively engaged: 

  • Eliminate distractions – Ensure that distractions are at a minimum during class and study times. If you’re someone who is easily distracted by mess, tidy up your space before the class begins. If you’re someone who can’t think when they’re hungry, plan snacks around study times. And most importantly, silence (or better yet, turn off) your phone when you’re trying to learn. 
  • Study groups – One of the biggest differences between traditional classes vs. online classes is the social interaction with your peers. Make connections with your fellow classmates through study groups. Online study groups can enhance the social aspects of virtual classroom learning and hold you more accountable to your success. 
  • Participate – Don’t just hang out on your mute button all class long. Studies have shown that class participation can improve information retention and grades, even when remote learning. Use the online class’ hand raise feature, be active in discussions, and don’t forget to ask questions.

#3 Manage Your Time Wisely

When it comes to learning success in a virtual classroom, your homework organizer is just as important as your textbook. Effective time management has been directly linked to greater academic performance

  • Schedule study time – Set aside time every day to do your classroom work. Try scheduling short, focused bursts of studying separated by breaks. You’ll be more productive and feel more relaxed at the end of the day. 
  • Take study breaks – Taking study breaks can help you retain information more easily, but how you take those breaks is important. Set a time limit and do an activity that refreshes your mind. Typically, that doesn’t include 30 minutes of scrolling through your social media. Try going out for a walk, doing a little yoga, or making yourself a snack. Whatever works for you, make the most out of your break time.
  • Use organizational tools – Tracking assignments and due dates can help you stay on top of your learning. See what tools work best for you. They might include the following: 
    • Calendars
    • To-Do lists
    • Homework tracking apps

#4 Embrace the Benefits of Online Learning

There’s a certain amount of freedom that comes with online learning. Use those freedoms to maximize your learning experience and pave the way for success.

  • Move around – If you’re someone who likes to move around while they learn, take advantage of your online learning experience. Go for a walk, do a quick workout between classes, or even set up a standing desk for your learning time. 
  • Pet therapy – If your pet makes you feel calm and focused, keep him or her around while you study.
  • Get comfortable – Online learning means no more squeaky plastic chairs or overzealous classroom air conditioners. Your classroom is wherever you want it to be. 

Successful Online Learning Starts with You

Online learning is going to be a little different than an in-classroom experience. Whether it is for an advanced forensic certificate, or a master’s degree in education or an MBA with Hospitality Management, online learning gives you the power to curate your classroom experience. Use these tips to get the most out of your education and fully thrive in an online learning environment. Whether you are learning or teaching an online class, there are many benefits of a virtual classroom.If you do, you’ll be getting so much more out of the experience than what’s listed in the course description. 

Thinking about becoming a teacher? Learn more about our Teaching Credential Programs at Alliant International University today. 

Find Success at Alliant International University 

Alliant International University is committed to helping you build offline success from your online achievements. This private California-based university offers extensive training resources, degree programs, and student support networks to help you accomplish all of your academic and career goals. If you're ready to gain your online degree from top educators, contact our Alliant team today. 


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