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Early Completion Intern Teaching Option

Accelerate your path to a teaching credential while working.


Early Completion Overview

The early completion intern teaching option (ECO) provides an accelerated path to obtaining a PK–12 California preliminary single subject or multiple subject teaching credential in an abbreviated timeframe. As a condensed version of the standard intern teaching route, the ECO program requires you to secure a salaried teacher-of-record position at an approved PK–12 partnering school throughout the program.

About the California Intern Credential

The early completion internship credential program is an alternative for obtaining a teaching credential in California. Given the prevalent teacher shortages across the state and a pressing need for new educators, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing has granted authority to public school districts and charter schools to hire paid "interns." Teacher candidates can now teach while actively participating in a state-approved teacher education program. This student teaching initiative provides a flexible and accessible intern pathway for individuals to enter the teaching profession. 


Program Overview

The early completion option is for you if you are a teacher candidate with previous teaching experience and possess the essential skills and knowledge to become a teacher. However, you must still acquire your California teaching credential, whether a multiple subject credential or single subject credential. This alternative teacher preparation initiative enables you to bypass traditional coursework, demonstrating your skills through a performance assessment with all online activities.

With the early completion option intern program, you will undertake immediate and complete teaching and classroom management responsibilities. You will benefit from expert mentorship and support that includes supervised classroom observations and experiences. 

Please refer to the university catalog for guidance on eligibility for the ECO program pathway. For further details on the requirements for this teaching pathway, click the link below.

Admission Information