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Learn how to create profound innovation in a time of disruptive change by leading from the emerging future.

U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self, with global live online sessions Jan 14, 28, and Feb 11.  Anyone can register and participate for free!  This is a first-time opportunity to experience him leading such a course and to learn about this work in a way that he structures, and it is free! You can read about it here  u-lab-transforming-business-society-self  and here is the Presencing Institute website  It will also be a good opportunity to see how EdX creates and manages online learning, as it seems to be among those approaches that are state-of-the-art in this growing arena. If enough members of the Alliant community choose to participate, we can consider forming a group together.




About this Course


This highly experiential course is based on Theory U, a framework, method, and way of connecting to the more authentic aspects of our self. It introduces the variable of consciousness into management and the social sciences, and proposes that the quality of the results that we create in any kind of social system is a function of the quality of awareness, attention or consciousness that the participants in the system operate from. This approach to leading change is practiced by business, government, and civil society leaders around the world – many of whom you will meet during this course.

During these six weeks, we will look at today’s environmental, social, and spiritual-cultural challenges and explore why it is that our societies collectively create results that, individually, nobody wants. We will introduce you to frameworks that enable you to identify the deeper structures and paradigms of thought that give rise to these issues. And we will invite you into a learning environment that is more personal, practical, relational, mindful, collective, and transformative than what you may have experienced in other online courses.

Each week, you will:








  • Engage in self-reflection (personal)
  • Go out into the world and apply a specific tool (practical)
  • Meet in a coaching circle with four fellow u.lab participants (relational)
  • Be introduced to a mindfulness practice
  • Join three live streamed classes in which all participants come together to learn in real time (collective)
  • Engage in transformative practices that allow you to connect to your highest future potential

Throughout the journey of the lab you will have ample opportunity to deepen your self-knowledge, develop new skills, form new relationships, and prototype the future that you want to create.




Course Code:15.S23x


Classes Start:7 Jan 2015


Course Length:6 weeks


Estimated effort:3 - 7 hours/week








To learn more click here



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