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Faculty, Student and Alumni Achievements,

Organizational Psychology Program, CSPP

Issue #5, Spring 2015

Celebrating Dr. Renner’s contributions to Alliant, and farewell to him!!


Faculty and Student Achievements:

Nurcan Ensari, Ph.D.

Professor and Program Director, Los Angeles and Systemwide


Nagpal, M., & Ensari, N. (2015). The mediational role of non-verbal behaviors on the relationship between interdependent self-construal and charismatic leadership. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Society Conference, New York.

Schlaerth, A., & Ensari, N. (2015). Moderational role of psychological climate in the relationship between authentic leadership and constructive conflict behaviors.  Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Society Conference, New York.

Both Malini Nagpal and Andrea Schlaerth are alumni of the OPLA PhD program.


Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, San Diego


Ferdman, B. M. (2015). Understanding multicultural identities and experience: A collection of views and approaches . PsycCRITIQUES, 60(18). doi: 10.1037/a0039160

Ferdman, B. M. (in press). Diversity, inclusion, and organizational change and performance. In J. Stone, R. Dennis, P. Rizova, & A. D. Smith (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Ferdman, B. M. (in press). If I’m comfortable does that mean I’m included? And if I’m included, will I now be comfortable? In L. M. Roberts, L. P. Wooten, & M. N. Davidson (Eds.), Positive organizing in a global society: Understanding and engaging differences for capacity building and inclusion. New York: Routledge.


Ferdman, B. M. (2015, March). “How can I be fully authentic when I’m so different?” Recognizing, unpacking, and addressing the discomforts of inclusion. Workshop presented at the Forum on Workplace Inclusion, Minneapolis, MN. (

Ferdman, B. M. (2015, February 8). Getting the best from ourselves and others: Diversity and inclusion as keys to breakthrough results with our clients. Concurrent session presented at the Mid-Winter Conference of the Society of Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Ferdman, B. M., Pennington, G., & Turner, R. (2015, February 8). Open dialogue: Advancing diversity and inclusion in the practice of consulting psychology. Session conducted at the Mid-Winter Conference of the Society of Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Foster, S., Ferdman, B. M., Fulkerson, J. R., & Lowman, R. L. (2015, February 6).  Global consulting myths vs. reality: Experiences from those who have worked on the far side. Panel discussion presented at the Mid-Winter Conference of the Society of Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Ferdman, B. M. (2015, January 16). Enhancing the practice of inclusion through systemic perspectives and approaches. In B. G. Holliday (Chair), Issues and strategic practices for promoting diversity in organizations. Symposium presented at “Psychology Without Borders: Reflecting Within, Reaching Out,” National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Ferdman, B. M. (2015, January 15). Tensions and paradoxes of multiculturalism in transnational organizations. In R. L. Lowman (Chair), Internationalizing multiculturalism: The next multicultural frontier. Symposium presented at “Psychology Without Borders: Reflecting Within, Reaching Out,” National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, GA.


Diversity and Inclusion, presentation/workshop for The Honor Foundation Fellows, as part of The Honor Foundation Transition Institute for Special Operations Forces, UCSD Rady School of Management, May 11, 2015. (

The Practice of Inclusion: What Is It and What Does It Mean for Coaching? Global Coaching Cadre Webinar, Center for Creative Leadership, May 5, 2015

Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion, Presentation and workshop for the Diversity Collegium, during its biannual meeting, North Las Vegas, April 24, 2015. (

Coaching from the Perspective of Inclusion: Implications and Challenges, Invited presentation, Coaches for Equality and Diversity monthly meeting, April 15, 2015

Expert Panelist, Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World, 2016 edition (


Kathryn Goldman-Schuyler, Ph.D.

Professor, San Francisco


Goldman Schuyler, K. (2015). Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity II: The dakini within. Round table to be presented at the International Leadership Association Women and Leadership Affinity Group Conference, Asilomar, CA.

Goldman Schuyler, K. (2015). Waking up at work: First person action research on mindfulness.  Paper to be presented at Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice Conference, San Francisco State University, San Francisco.

Goldman Schuyler, K. (2015). Leadership and organizational health. Invited talk at the NextNow Network Gathering, San Francisco.


Dale Glaser, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, San Diego


Gonzales, L., Koci, A., Gee, R. M., Noji, A., Glaser, D., Marsh, A., Marsh, K., Altman, A., Al Salmi, N., & Al Sabei, S. (2015). Caring for women globally: Psychometric testing of two instruments translated into five languages for use in cardiovascular recovery. The International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21, (Suppl. 1): 27-37.

Gonzales, L., DelMastro, M., Boyd, D., Sterling, M., Aube, P., Le, R., Traucht, L., Quinal, L. R., Georges, J., &  Glaser, D. (2015).  Adjusting bowel regimens when prescribing opioids in  women receiving palliative care in the acute care setting. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 1-6.

Johnson, B., Bormann, J. E. & Glaser, D. (2015). Validation of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Spiritual Well-being Scale in veterans with PTSD. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 2(1):25-35.


Gonzales, L., Koci, A., Gee, R. M., Noji, A., Glaser, D., Marsh, A., Marsh, K., Altman, A., Al Salmi, N., Al Sabei, S. (2015).  Psychometric testing of instruments for use in women's cardiovascular recovery globally. Poster presented at the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association BCVS2015 Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Session, New Orleans, LA.

Glaser, D. N. (2015).  Digging Through Data To Impact your Success.  Workshop conducted at Sanford Institute of Philanthropy, National University; San Diego, CA.

Glaser, D. N.  (2015). Data Cleaning and Management: A Primer.  Provost Research Webinar Series at Alliant International University, February 3; San Diego, CA.


Denise Lopez, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Los Angeles


Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2015).  Women from diverse backgrounds in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions: Retention and career development, pp. 214-251. In C. Hughes (2015). Impact of diversity on organization and career development. IGI Global.

Conference Presentations:

Lopez, P.D. (2015, January 15). How is multiculturalism similar or different in domestic and global organizations? In R. L. Lowman (Chair), Internationalizing multiculturalism: The next multicultural frontier. Symposium presented at “Psychology Without Borders: Reflecting Within, Reaching Out,” National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Dr. Denise Lopez conducted various outreach talks to undergraduate and graduate students about Organizational Psychology:

Lopez, P.D. (2015, February). Organizational psychology.  Invited talk at University of California, Irvine.

Lopez, P.D. (2015, March). New trends in industrial-organizational psychology.  Webinar, Alliant International University.

Lopez, P.D. (2015, April). Introduction to organizational psychology for clinical psychologists.  Invited talk at Alliant International University Los Angeles, for Clinical PhD students.

Lopez, P.D.. (2015, April). Applying organizational psychology concepts in clinical work settings. Invited talk at Alliant International University Los Angeles, for Clinical PsyD students.

Professional Issues event on May 2nd, 2015: "Cutting Edge Corporate Cultures" Presented by Dr. Denise Lopez's class in Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Organizational Psychology, May 2, 2015.  Panelists included:  Jackie Trask (SVP of Worldwide HR, Jafra Cosmetics International), Stacey Hoppe (VP of Employee Communications, Warner Brothers Entertainment) and Joe Bast (Sr. Manager of Talent and Leadership Development, The Cheesecake Factory).


Rodney Lowman, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, San Diego

Prof. Lowman has been appointed as Inaugural Chair of the Council Leadership Team and Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association. Additionally, he serves as an external reviewer for the University of Johannesburg, and is the recipient of the Dean’s Faculty Presentation Award for the Spring 2015.

AWARDS: Presidential Citation for ‘Excellence in Professional Practice’ by the Society of Consulting Psychology


Cooper, S. & Lowman, R.L. (2015, February). Applications of the APA Ethics Code to organizational consulting psychology: Foundational workshop. Seminar presented at the Annual Mid-Winter Conference of the Society for Congress Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Foster, S.L., Fulkerson, J.R., Lowman, R., & Ferdman, B.M. (2015, February).  Global Consulting-Myth vs. Reality: Experiences from those who have worked on the far side. Symposium presented at the     Annual Mid-Winter Conference of the Society for Congress Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Lowman, R.L.  (2015, February).  Internationalizing multiculturalism. Symposium presented at the Annual Mid-Winter Conference of the Society for Congress Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Lowman, R.L. & Cooper, S. (2015, February). Advanced ethical and legal issues in consulting psychology. Symposium presented at the Annual Mid-Winter Conference of the Society for Congress Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Vandaveer, V., Pearlman, K., Lowman, R., & Brannick, J. (2015, February). Coaching competency model for psychologists: Research and development. Symposium presented at the Annual Mid-Winter Conference of the Society for Congress Consulting Psychology, San Diego, CA.


SIOP Presentations & Awards: 

Thursday, May 15

9:30 -11:00am: (Room 303AB) Alumna Dr. Victoria Davis is a panelist in: “Pitfalls of Technology Projects.”

9:30 – 11:00am: (Room 317A) CSPP-SD Professor Dr. Bernardo Ferdman will be a presenter in: “Assessing employee inclusion in the workplace: An applied organizational approach. Symposium paper in Moving from diversity to inclusion: New directions in inclusion research (B. Chung, Chair).”

 10:30am – noon (Room 317B): CSPP-SD alumnus Dr. Daniel Kuzmycz will be a presenter in “Manager as Coach: Defining, Developing and Measuring Effectiveness.”

 11:00 – 11:50am: (Room Ballroom C) CSPP-LA Faculty Dr. Nurcan Ensari, Dr. Cal Hoffman and CSPP-LA alumna Dr. Magda Cure will be presenters in “The Impact of Cultural and Emotional Intelligence on Intragroup Conflict.”

 12:00 – 1:00pm: (Theatre 310) CSPP-LA Alumna Dr. Lisa Collings (’93) will be a presenter in “Mergers and Startups: The End of I/O as We Know It.”

Friday, May 16

7:30 – 8:30am: (Room 305B) CSPP-SD Professor Dr. Bernardo Ferdman will be a panelist in: “Learn about the SIOP Professional Practice Book Series “(N. Tippins, Chair).

11:00am – 12:30pm (Room 318A): CSPP-SD Professor Dr. Rodney Lowman (pictured above) and CSPP-SD alumnus Dr. Michael Milad are presenters in “Competing Coaches and Coachees: Mock Licensing Board Hearing.”

2:00 – 3:00pm (Ballroom C): CSPP-LA Professor Dr. Denise Lopez and CSPP-LA alumnus Dr. Joshua Milam co-present “Why Workplace Friendships Matter: Linkages with Engagement, Embeddedness, and Burnout.”

Saturday, May 17

9:30 – 10:30am (Room 304B): Alumna Dr. Victoria Davis is a presenter in: “Where did we lose you? Strategies addressing applicant withdrawal behavior.”

12:30 – 2:00pm (Room 317A): CSPP-SD Professor Dr. Rodney Lowman is a presenter in “Building a Comprehensive Environmental Sustainability in Organizations Model.”

1:00 – 2:00pm (Room Ballroom C) CSPP-SF student Victoria Hendrickson is a presenter in “Workplace Gossip, Psychological Needs and Occupational Stress.”


Alumni Achievements

Alex Howland, PhD

San Diego Campus Alumnus

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at VirBELA, LLC

VirBELA, which is the virtual tool that Dr. Howland and his team developed, has qualified to represent the USA at the World Cup Tech Challenge at Microsoft's Silicon Valley location on Thursday, June 4, 2015.  It is a pitch competition to 300 potential investors.  There is also a public vote: .

Andrea Schlaerth, PhD & Tamara Aberson-Sloboda, PhD

Los Angeles Campus Alumni 

Andrea and Tamara have conducted a workshop at the Association for Talent Development LA Chapter in the South Bay.  You can find the description for her session:



Heather Stiawalt, Psy.D, LCSW

Fresno Campus Alumna 2014

Dr. Heather Stiawalt, Spring 2014, CSPP-OP, PsyD in OD, Fresno Campus, has been promoted to Headquarters Air Force level as the Director of Psychological services for the Air Force Reserve.  She was one of thirty across the Air Force selected for the Civilian Acculturation program (the Air Force selects high potential civilians for military leadership training with the intent to retain them for leadership roles). She is excited to have the opportunity to use her OD skills in her leadership role.  Currently she is at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas and attended the Organizational Psychology program commuting from Las Vegas, NV.


Felice Silva – Sanchez MAOB

Fresno Campus Alumni 2011

Recently hired as Human Resource Generalist II at Dole Packaged Foods, LLC


Current Students

Telaireus Herrin

PsyD Program, Fresno Campus

Telaireus has been promoted to Sr. Director, HR for the Neurovascular division at Medtronic, plc.; which is now the largest medical device company in the world following a merger and acquisition that T.K. has been a part of bringing together.  The new company now has a total of 85,000 employees and was a 49 billion dollar deal.  T.K. says there is lots of room for his OD work - harmonizing programs, processes and teams!


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