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CSPP Japan


CSPP Japan Overview


CSPP Japan celebrated 18th year, but unfortunately, it was closed in summer 2020.

California School of Professional Psychology(CSPP)は、1969年にカリフォルニア州において、当時まだごく一部の人のための高価なサービスであった心理療法を、必要とする多くの人々に広く提供できるよう数人の臨床心理学者によって、実践を重視した大学院としてスタートしました。以来、CSPPが博士号・修士号を授与した学生は6,000名以上にのぼります。カリフォルニア州の認定クリニカル・サイコロジストの約50%はCSPPの修了生及び関係者となっています。理論、実践、研究の三本の柱で構成されたCSPPのカリキュラムは、高等教育機関における心理臨床家育成のモデルとして、米国の多くの大学院に取り入れられてきました。2000年には、他の専門大学院と共にAlliant International Universityとして総合高等教育機関となりました。

CSPP founded in 1969 with a vision to increase an accessibility to mental health services and psychotherapy which traditionally and at that time was a privilege only for those who were financially wealthy. This vision was shared by several psychologists who founded this graduate school with a focus on education of clinical practice. In 2000, CSPP became a part of Alliant International University.

CSPP日本校は、CSPPサンフランシスコベイエリア校の修了生であった故西尾和美博士が、1990年代前半、実践力を養うことのできる臨床心理の大学院の数が限られていた日本にCSPPを導入しようと、斎藤学医学博士とともに準備を重ね、2001年に、米国西部学校・大学協会大学委員会(WASC Senior College and University Commission) 臨床心理学研究科修士課程として認定を受け、2002年に開講されました。

CSPP Japan program was founded by Drs Kazumi Nishio and Satoru Saito with a vision of building a graduate school of clinical psychology which focuses on practical training by bringing CSPP to Japan, so that good quality mental health care could become widely available and accessible to those who need the services the most. In 2001, CSPP japan program is accredited by WASC as a master’s program of clinical psychology, and the first class started in 2002.


Since then for about 20 years, CSPP Japan has been the only American graduate school of clinical psychology, and provided American education of psychology with a careful adaptation to Japanese society and culture. This program required 48 units to graduate, and curriculum was arranged for adult learners who had full time jobs or family and parenting obligation with weekend classes and online classes. During the third year, students had to do both 320 hours of practicum training as well as writing a master thesis. The practicum training accompanied with case study class and individual supervision. This training was designed to train students to become a skilled psychotherapist, therefore they were required to be in psychotherapy themselves.


CSPP Japan program provided comprehensive training and education for students to become competent psychotherapists. At the same time, CSPP Japan community taught us the values and difficulties of engaging in educational and psychological projects internationally.


Founding mission: Dr. Nishio and Dr. Saito


CSPP Japan was founded by Dr. Satoru Saito MD and Clinical psychologist Kazumi Nishio. PhD Dr. Saito is a recognized psychiatrist who has treated many patients with addiction and trauma. He felt urgent need of Japanese society to have more skilled psychotherapists. Dr. Nishio was a California licensed clinical psychologist and provided psychology services in northern California. Dr. Nishio met Dr. Saito, and began introducing a concept of co-dependent and adult children of alcoholics and practicing psychotherapy in Japan, and shared the same urgency with Dr. Saito.


It can be said that CSPP Japan was build based on a shared passion of Drs. Saito and Nishio to make psychotherapy and recovery work more available to Japanese people in Japan.


CSPP Japan community's current operation


連絡は 西澤奈穂子

Upon a sudden news of a decision of closing CSPP Japan program, Dr. Nishio established Kazumi Nishio Psychology Fund in Alliant International University in order to minimize the negative impact of the closure on CSPP Japan alumni. This fund supports CSPP Japan alumni to be able to access their academic record in the US without language barrier, to keep networking with each other and support each other, and to continue educating themselves. Japan-US Psychology Institute in Japan is delegated to carry out the projects of this fund, and Nahoko Nishizawa, PsyD, who was a program director of CSPP Japan, will remain at Alliant International University as a CSPP Japan liaison and support CSPP Japan alumni’s communication with Alliant International University.

Nahoko Nishizawa, PsyD



More information about Kazumi Nishio Clinical Psychology Fund


June 2001
米国西部学校・大学協会大学委員会(WASC Senior College and University Commission) 臨床心理学研究科修士課程認定

Accredited as a master’s program of clinical psychology by WASC

September 2002

Launch Alliant International University California School f Professional Psychology Clinical Masters Program in Japan.

September 2002
斎藤学/株式会社アイエフエフのサポートにより東京サテライトキャンパス開設 東京都港区東麻布

Tokyo Satellite campus opened with collaboration of IFF Inc and Dr Satoru Saito

September 2002
西尾和美・ナンシーピオトロウスキー コ・プログラムディレクター

Drs. Kazumi Nishio and Nancy Piotrowski  Co Program Directors

September 2002

CSPP Japan Opening Celebration Symposium

August 2005

Kazum Nisho CSPP Scholarship began

September 2005

First Commencement

September 2005
本間玲子 プログラムディレクター

Dr. Reiko Honma True Program Director

May 2008

Dr. Reiko Honma Award Started

February 2009
キャンパス移転 東京都千代田区二番町

Campus Move

To Nibancho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo

June 2011
WASC Senior 認定更新

Reaccreditation passed by WASC Senior

May 2012
キャンパス移転 東京都千代田区神田須田町

Campus Move

To Kanda Suda cho, Chiyoda-u, Tokyo

July 2012

CSPP Counseling Room, Kazumi Nishio Fund Started

September 2012

10th Anniversary Celebration Symposium 

“Connection as our best resource of mental health”

March 2013

CSPP Counseling Room Opened

September 2014
田中ケイ葉子 プログラムディレクター

Dr. Yoko Kay Tanaka Program Director

December 2014

Designation of Foreign University by Japanese Ministry of Education

July 2016
キャンパス移転 東京都千代田区外神田末広町

Campus Move 

To Suehiro cho, SotoKanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

December 2017

CSPP Japan program closure was decided by the board of Alliant International University

July 2018
西澤奈穂子 プログラムディレクター

Dr. Nahoko Nishizawa, Program Director

March 2020

All classes became online due to COVID19

August 2020

Last commencement held online.

Campus Closure